Piracicaba - SP - Brazil
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Introduction Industrial Activities
Industries Service and Commerce
Banks Commerce and Thrid Party Services
Agriculture Rural Land and Major Crops



Piracicaba, an important regional center for industrial and agricultural development, is located in one of the most industrialized and productive areas of the state, with a population of about 1.2 million. The city's economic stability allows for the establishment of large industries. Piracicaba's well planned Industrial District Area, designed for a blanced industrial growth, haas been another major attraction for the establishment of new industries.

The region's industrial complex comprises more than 5 thousand industries especilly Metallurgy, Mechaanics, Textile, Food industries, Petrochemical and Combustible industries.

The available qualified and technical man power permits easier adapting to new jobs. nother advantage of Piracicaba is the low turn over and non-radical laabor unions. Wages and benefits are either below or similar to those of the state capital.



Steel and Iron Heavy Machinery
Distilled beverages Industrial Machines
Alcohol Metals
Boilers Metallurgy
Distillery Minerals
Hidraulic Equipment Ceramics
Electrical Materials Paper aand Cardboard
Metlic Structures Steel
Foundry Textiles
Lmination Turbines
Dairy Products Mills
Lumber Others



Number of Enterprises
Construction Industries 211
Mining Industries


Processing Industries 859
Industries of Public Utility 14
Total 1.097
Number of Enterprises and Compny Size
Micro Companies (up to 9 employees) 831
Small Companies (10 to 99 employees) 213
Medium-size Companies (100 to 499 employees) 43
Large Companies (more than 500 employees) 14
Total 1.097
Number of Jobs in Industries
Construction Industries 2.087
Mining Industries 240
Processing Industries 23.792
Industries of Public Utility 774
Total 27.613
Number of Employers and Company Size
Micro Companies (up to 9 employees) 1.534
Small Companies (10 to 99 employees) 6.334
Medium-size Companies (100 to 499 employees) 7.296
Largge Companies (more thaan 500 employees) 12.449
Total 27.613



Service and Commerce are well in accordance to the popultion's need and the basic needs of local companies. Professionals of different areas and basic service make Piracicaba an important regional center.

The city has a shopping center with major departmentstores like Mesbla and Lojas Americanas, aand a downtown commercial area with large electronics and home appliance stores.

Branches of the largest banks in the country are established in the city.


Banco América do Sul
Banco Bamerindus
Banco Brasileiro de Descontos - Bradesco
Banco do Brasil
Banco Bandeirantes
Banco Banespa
Banco Boa Vista
Banco de Crédito Nacional
Caixa Econômica Estadual
Caixa Econômica Federal
Cooperativa de Crédito Fornecedores de Cana de Piracicaba
Banco Geral do Comércio
Banco Itaú
Banco Luso Brasileiro
Banco Mercantil de Descontos
Banco Mercantil de São Paulo
Banco Mercantil do Brasil
Banco Meridional
Banco Noroeste
Banco Real
Banco Safra
Banco Sudameris
União de Bancos - Unibanco


Number of Commercial Enterprises

Micro Companies 4.012
Small Companies 232
Medium-size companies 8
Total 4.252

Commercial businesses hire approximately 13 thousand people, mainly in retail business.


Number of Service Companies

Micro Companies 3.636
Small Companies 251
Medium-sized companies 27
Large Companies 15
Total 3.929

Third Party Service Companies hire 20 thousand people.


Agriculture is mainly based on sugar cane (10 million tons a year), coffee
(1 million coffee trees) and orange (6 million trees). Cattle also
plays a significant part in the city's economy - 150 thousand cow herds,
and poultry around 7 million.

The region has 124 thousand hectares of land for pasture.


Agricultural area 784.47 km2. Sugar cane plantation: 578 km2 of this land.


Corn 1,300hectares
Orange 1.062 hectares
Rice 950 hectares
Cattle 56,000 herds
Milk Production 5,400,000 liters/year
Honey 20 tons/year
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