Piracicaba - SP - Brazil
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The "Barão de Serra Negra City Sports Center"

The city Sports Center has a football stadium for 35 thousand people, a covered gymnasium named after "Waldemar Blatkauskas" for 4 thousand people a smaller gym, "José de Oliveira Garcia Neto", with two courts and 600 seats, and an olympic swimming pool benches for 1,000 people.

International Humor Cartoons Exhibit

This prestigious international event rivals with European ones. The first exhibit was in 1974 to promote humor in cartoons and mainly to show the cartoons that had been censored during the military political regime of the time. Today, well-know cartoonists from Brazil and abroad show their work at this exhibit which also aims at finding new talents. It takes place during the third week of August at the Municipal Theater hall.


Arts Exhibit Center "Miguel Archanjo Benício Assumpção Dutra"

Founded in 1955 as Pinacoteca Municipal, it has acquired 350 pieces of art with fundings from the Contemporary Art Exhibit and the Almeida Júnior Art Exhibit which they organize each year. It offers permanent and periodic art exhibits of known artists, art workshops and films.
Located at 233, Moraes Barros Street.


Municipal Theater "Dr. Losso Neto"

With modern architecture and 700 seats in Room 1, it has a pleasant atmosphere, air-conditioning and an excellent acoustic system. Room 2 designed for smaller audiences, has 250 seats. Also, an open air theater for 400 people, an exhibit hall for 600 people and the Art Cinema "Grande Otelo" with 150 seats.

Located on the corner of Avenida Independência and Armando Salles de Oliveira.



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